Sunday, 30 December 2018 07:13

Awareness campaign on REDD+ at south kordfan

Date: 8 th July  2018

Venue: FNC hall - Al- Dilling  locality

Number of participants : 63

Facilitators: Amani Ibrahim Extension Department FNC headquarters, Abdallah Hagona the REDD+ focal point south kordfan ,  Shaimaa Salah Extension Department FNC headquarters

The workshop was attended by a number of relevant stakeholders including,  gum Arabic associations, Union of gum Arabic producers, Agricultural and livestock production associations, Youth Union, regular forces, Local administrations and communities, Women's Union and Women's Associations, Voluntary organizations, University of Dilling , Legislators, pastoralist , Media.

Workshop Program  Contained

Introduction on  REDD +  introduced by   

Speech  of the Manager of Forests at south kordofan

Speech  of  the representative of the Minister of Agriculture

Presentation on the REDD program presented by Amani Ibrahim

Speech the  in chair of Dilling locality

The workshop concluded by 14 recommendations such as

  • Provide energy alternatives and improved stoves
  • A partnership between the FNC and universities and agricultural research
  • Closer coordination between forestry, wildlife and livestock departments for  Establishment of Nature Reserves
  • involvement women in the activities of the REDD + programm
  • revival the Traditional administration such as sheikhs and mayors
  • Cultivation the Hashab tree
  • Organize the  gold  mining
  • Provide the animal feed, fodder crop.
  • Raising the environmental awareness of the regular forces
  • Waste treatment and environmental improvement
  • increase the reserved forests
  • Activating the implementation of the legal commitment in irrigated and rainfed schemes
  • conduct workshops for the civil and traditional administrations on forests law and legislation
  • income alternatives for coal and firewood producers

        Increase the human recourses as forest guards and observers

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